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Debt collection
Debt collection services provided to domestic and foreign organizations cover the whole collection procedure, including out-of-court activities, litigation and enforcement. Our law firm is extensively experienced in debt collection cases. We assisted many companies on debt matters therefore we are competent to provide your firm with quality legal advice and representation on such cases:
- debt collection advice;
- strategy formulation, policy and method for collection of debts;
- legal assistance in the course of pre-trial claim procedure against debtors (gathering of information concerning operations and formal status of debtor, preparation of letters of advice, serving demand letters to debtor, conducting negotiations with debtor);
- legal evaluation of possibility of debt collection in the course of judicial proceeding in the
- preparation of evidence for debt recovery through legal proceedings;
- representation of creditor in the course of enforcement proceedings on actual receipt of awarded amounts and property;
- representation of creditor before arbitration courts of the
Usually we offer to our clients the following debt collection service package:
I. Out-of-court (extrajudicial) proceedings:
- search of information on debtor; drafting a letter of demend and serving one to the debtor;
- conducting negotiations with the debtor (phone calls, e-mail and mail communication);
- drawing legal report on the results of the out-of-court proceedings.
Flat fee for handling a case within the limits of out-of-court proceedings amounts EUR 50.
Please note it has been our practical experience that the listed actions may be efficient remedy in debt collection.
II. Court proceedings:
- preparation of a legal opinion regarding feasibility of filing a suit;
- handling of cases (drafting service documents and representation of creditor) at courts of the Russian Federation.
Case success fee of 3 per cent of an amount actually recovered is usually applicable.