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Patent for Industrial Design in Russia
Industrial design is a kind of industrial intellectual property. An industrial design is authorial design (styling design) solution and is characterized by unique appearance, design and ergonomic properties of the manufactured article. The article may be manufactured either by industrial or crude method.
One may get a patent for industrial design if the latter is new and original by its essential features. The term refers to features identifying aesthetical and (or) ergonomic peculiarity of the appearance of a manufactured unit, in particular:
- shape,
- configuration,
- ornamental design,
- color scheme.
A patent for industrial design certifies a priority of the industrial design, authorship and exclusive right for the industrial design. The patent is an intangible asset of market value and is used for increase of the revenue of the patent owner.
Acquisition of a patent for industrial design is a legal patent service that may be provided to you by Zorin Law Office.
Cost of acquiring title in the patent for industrial design does not exceed EUR 300, including national government fees. Exact cost of patenting of an industrial design is calculated individually on the basis of analysis of materials submitted for acquisition of the patent.
If you intend to obtain a patent for industrial design, please email us the following documents via our address
- a set of pictures of the manufactured unit giving a detailed idea of its appearance,
- brief description of the industrial design.
The service of acquisition of a patent for industrial design includes:
review and analysis of materials submitted by the Client;
preparation of an application for issue of a patent for industrial design;
preparation of annexes to the application for issue of a patent for industrial design;
filing the application to the Russian registrar (Rospatent);
receipt of a resolution based on the results of a formal examination, notification of the Client about the resolution (2 months later filing of the application);
receipt of a resolution based on the results of substantive examination, notification of the Client about the resolution (1 year hence the filing of the application);
issue patent for industrial design, forwarding one to the Client.
All fees can be paid after filing the application for issue of a patent for industrial design.
In practice the acquisition of a patent for industrial design takes 1 year, from the moment of filing of the respective application to the moment of issue of the patent.
Validity term of the exclusive right for an industrial design and the patent certifying the right is calculated from the moment of filing of the application for issue of the patent for an industrial design and equals to 5 years. This term may be extended 5 times of total 25 years upon application of the patent owner.
© N. Zorin, 2015.